Product Details

Canvas Artwork

Our high quality photographic artwork is printed on canvas featuring rich, vivid colors and gorgeous details. The canvas is a poly/cotton material and will resist yellowing over time. Each print is protected with a resilient matte finish of archival UV coating that shields your canvas from the elements. And of course, it's well packaged for shipment.

You have the following choices for each of your art purchases:

What size? Each piece of art is available in at least 2 sizes. The size you choose represents the outside dimensions of the finished product, whether it's framed or not.  If you'd really like a size that isn't available, contact us and we'll see what we can do!

Want it framed?  You can choose to have your art purchase framed, and you can choose from three frame colors. If you choose framing, your art will first be stretched over support bars and then set in a floating frame.  Color choices for your frame are espresso w/ visible wood grain, black or white.

If you don't want your purchase framed, your art will be stretched around sturdy wood bracing using an art gallery wrap style.  It will be ready to hang on your wall when it arrives.