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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase other sizesThe short answer is probably!  We've selected the available sizes based on what we think looks best for the artwork, but can certainly produce different sizes.  Drop us a question at the email address above with the size you're looking for and we'll see what we can do for you.

Will my artwork look the same as it does in your store imagesThat's a tough question.  Phone screens & computer monitors change the way images look.  It's hard to show you exactly what your artwork will look like when you look at it on your screen.  In general you might expect your finished canvas artwork will look a little more vibrant, a little brighter, with more colors than what you see on your screen.  If you love it on the screen then the finished product will look even better.

Do I pay additional shipping & handling fees on orders? Prices already include standard shipping fees for the United States.

Why can't I ship internationally? International shipping is not available at this time because it would increase the cost of our products significantly.  If you'd really like to ship internationally, please contact us with your shipping details and we'll let you know what it would cost.